Saturday, March 17, 2007


And everybody knows what brackets mean when it comes to March, The NCAA tournament. Us as a family have never really cared much about March Madness until Uncle Joe came here. He just started talking about it on Wednesday and at first I was not very interested until he mentioned brackets. It sounded fun, the brackets and all and that was the talk of the night. It got to such an extreme that Uncle Joe invited us to their house to fill out some brackets and I picked like all the underdogs and so far only 6 of 33 games have been upsets. I went for Duke all the way until the Championship and it just happened to be, out of my luck in the first round that 1 of those 6 games, was one where Virginia Commonwealth University beat Duke. I mean has even heard of them! I guess you know where that would leave me, in the dust. Right now the score is Aunt Keely with 111 points, Morgan with 104, Ethan with 102, Uncle Joe with 101, my dad with 98, my mom with 95, and pesonally, who do you think would have last place other than the great, honorable Seth!!(with 65 points) NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I have been saying this to myself ever since Duke lost. Better luck next year. Now that we are done with the the March Madness stuff, I have got something else to say. My birthday!!! It is my birthday today and so far it has been good. Mom didn't wake me up and I got a nice rest like I have never had before. Dad came home from Caracas and said happy birthday and It has just been a great day. Tht is all the time I have but I'll see you next time I post. Bye-bye!


River Rat said...

Hey, Seth, happy birthday. I always enjoy your posts, I check it almost daily. Have a good day.

Rita Loca said...

Oh man! I missed your birthday! Hope it was great! And who is dewcactus?

#1 CUBS FAN said...

Dewcactus is my Aunt Kim.

CaraqueƱa said...

Jungle Mom: not a real Aunt Kim, an "MK" Aunt Kim. Hey Seth! How 'bout them brackets?! Today are the semis! Yeah! The only one in our family who has a chance is Morgan...go Morgan!